I published In Other Words as a part of the junior documentary unit at Freestyle Academy of Communication Arts and Technology. The book explores my brother Jeffrey’s communication challenges and how his team of teachers, therapists, and community members support his progress. I enlisted Jeffrey’s neurodevelopmental pediatrician, Dr. Ann Parker, to provide me feedback on the book and to create its forward. She has guided Jeffrey’s team since he was a baby and she is affiliated with both Johns Hopkins University and University of California at San Francisco.
The project was a lot of fun--basically, I missed school to hang out with Jeffrey and his friends and teachers (while doing research, of course). In all seriousness, it was an incredibly eye-opening experience. The research, writing, and design experience I acquired through this project both piqued my interest in pursuing communications and strengthened my skills in those areas. Now, I’m certain that I want hearing and capturing others’ perspectives to be a part of whatever I study and pursue as a career. Thank you, Jeffrey, for broadening my perspectives. I love you!