In Other Words





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March 31, 2012
Starry, Starry Night
In honor of Jeffrey, my parents & I hosted a table at Morgan Center's gala & auction fundraiser, Starry, Starry Night. You can see my speech on the blog page!

Starry, Starry Night Gallery


March 10, 2012
New York, New York
Youth Drama for All's play, New York, New York, was a hit! The cast of over forty kids had worked incredibly hard for months, and it paid off. Costumes were donated by Peninsula Youth Theater (PYT), and committed parent leadership made the show a success.

New York, New York -- The cast Starry, Starry Night Gallery


February 23, 2012
Half Moon Bay
Our family went to Half Moon Bay for a few days. Jeffrey loved walking on the beach with Savannah & eating at yummy restaurants!

Half Moon Bay

Half Moon Bay Gallery


November 18, 2011
Jeffrey's Pre-IEP
Some of Jeffrey's team met with my parents and me to outline the goals to be discussed in the official IEP to be held the next month.

New York, New York -- The cast

Pre-IEP Team


November 12, 2011
Stanford Soccer Clinic
Stanford Univeristy's men's varsity soccer team hosted the Green Giants for an afternoon soccer clinic. Everyone had a blast!

New York, New York -- The cast

Stanford Soccer Clinic Gallery


October 31, 2011
Jeffrey & his best friend, Harry, dressed up as the Scarecrow & the Lion from the Wizard of Oz and went trick-or-treating with Iris, Dor, & Yael (buddies from Friendship Circle), Francis, & me.

New York, New York -- The cast


October 10, 2011
Jeffrey's Birthday
To celebrate his twelfth birthday, Jeffrey invited his family and friends over for lunch, a piñata, and cake in our backyard.

Jeffrey's Birthday

Jeffrey's Birthday Gallery